1. CNN: Teen idol joins millions taking China’s grueling gaokao exam
"Of the nine million sitting China’s toughest exam - known as the gaokao - one 17-year-old stands out: Wang Junkai, lead singer of China’s most popular boyband, TFBoys."
To make foreigners understand who Wang is, CNN made an analogy with the US idol Justin Bieber taking his SATs. CNN has also illustrated how popular Wang is in China.
"When the young star took his high school entrance examination three years ago, the hashtag ’good luck’ had 170 million views on Weibo."
"And this year, under the hashtag ’Good luck to Wang Junkai Gaokao 2017,’ Weibo has been flooded with more than one million posts from fans, media and celebrities ahead of the exam."
2. CNN Money: Businesses cash in as millions of Chinese students sweat over crucial exam
"For millions of teenagers, it’s a big source of stress. For many businesses, it’s a great chance to make money."
The story described how businesses, such as hotels raising rates, selling academic blessings and stocking up pharmacies, could make money from the test.
3. Fox News: Gaokao: Why China is eating our students’ lunch
Fox News has compared the Chinese and Asian education with the US’.
"The next time your teenager whines that schoolwork is stressing him or her out, mention gaokao."
"Compare China’s reverential attitude toward education with the US, where many high schools are so dangerous students pass through metal detectors every day."
4. Latin American Herald Tribune: Millions of Chinese students sit tough university entrance examination
The tribune report talked about the importance of gaokao to Chinese students.
"A successful examination can mark the beginning of a prosperous professional career, and also be the source of social pride for their families."
"The exam has long been a national spectacle, with parents and family members, lower-grade students, and curious strangers all gathering in front of test centers to cheer on the newly-graduated high school students who go in for the exam."
5. Quartz: Millions of Chinese students—and a robot—will be sitting China’s most grueling academic exam
The report兒童雞精 has eyed on the AI development in China, focusing on the robot taking the gaokao test.
"Since 2015, the ro燕窩禮盒推薦bot AI-MATHS has been trained to tackle more than 10,000 math questions, according to Lin Hui, CEO of the company that developed the robot in partnership with Tsinghua University."
"In March, AI-MATHS scored 93 points in a mock math exam hosted in the southeastern city of Chengdu. 49 high-school students scored an average of 106 points out of 150 points."